Up close and personal with our Boeing 747 freighter 360度窺探波音747貨機


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While the Queen of the Skies has retired from serving passengers, this iconic aircraft continues to take flight, keeping critical supply chains moving all over the world – especially during these challenging times. How do the preparations differ from those for passenger flights? Do 747 pilots prepare their own meals? Explore in detail as Second Officer Janice takes you on a 360° tour of the majestic Boeing 747 freighter.

究竟疫情期間他們如何彰顯合作精神,為世界物流出力?747機師又怎樣準備自己的膳食?立即跟隨二副機師Janice出發,投入前所未有的全方位 「貨機之旅」!

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